
A basic blueprint for getting an environment up and running in Takeoff

View the Project on GitHub takeoff-env/takeoff-blueprint-basic

Building a new Takeoff API Plugin

Home API

Takeoff uses Hapi as it’s framework to build server-side services. Functionality is added via plugins which are defined in the api/server/plugins folder, and whitelisted via a config file.

Plugin structure

Plugins provide a way to create logical units of code. First, create your folder. Here we’ll create a simple hello-world plugin.

$ cd api/server/plugins

$ mkdir hello-world && touch hello-world/index.js

In our index file, we create the following plugin registration file:

module.exports = {
    name: 'my-plugin',
    version: '1.0.0',
    register: async server => {
            method: 'GET',
            path: '/my-plugin',
            config: {
                auth: false
            handler: async function(req) {
                try {
                    const dbError = await req.server.app.db.MyModel.getAll()
                    if (!dbError) {
                        return 'OK';
                    throw dbError;
                } catch (e) {
                    throw e;

Next, open api/config/development.js, and find the line that says baseConfig.registrations.push. At the bottom of the parameters, add:

const baseConfig = require('./_base');

const newConfig = Object.assign({}, baseConfig);

    plugin: './my-plugin',
    options: {
      key: 'foo',
      options: ['foo', 'bar']

module.exports = newConfig;

Now you can visit http://localhost/api/hello-world - and as you can see, you haven’t had to restart any server manually, it just works.
